Saturday 14 January 2017

Sad end to Obama

President Obsma ended his presidency calling on people to get out and protest, protest what exactly? Democracy?

This to me was an ugly end to an ugly one hundred undignified days.  100!days when the old president is expected to shut up.

It has been a hundred days of democrats protesting the democratic process, backed by a president not doing enough to distance himself from violence and lawlessness.  For someone intent on an undignified crash and. BUrn he really excelled himself.  A self satisfied speech telling everyone what a great job he did.  Isn't that for someone else to do?  If you were a US cop feeling disrespected and unloved by the president,or an unemployed machine worker in the mid west looking forward to the jobs that Trump is already bringing aback to America you may well have Disagreed with him.

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